01 Dec 2014

Review of the Early Learning Partnership (Executive summary)


Executive Summary for the Early Learning Partnership Advisory Group

  • Region


  • Topic


  • Priority area

    Child Health & Development

  • Report Type

    Evaluations and partner reports

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[taken from document]

The Advisory Group for the Early Learning Partnership (ELP) has agreed to review the work program and experience of the ELP from 2012-2014. The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) provided US$ 2.05 million to ELP from October 2012 to October 2014, with US$ 1.6 million allocated to the Africa region. This funding was intended to help raise the profile of ECD in the region and at the World Bank by leveraging larger amounts of finance and impact, and catalyzing change in countries to promote high-quality ECD and learning opportunities for young children. The remaining funds were allocated to the education anchor unit (HDNED) to fund global support for ECD. The ELP review, conducted by external consultants, focuses on the use of funds that were allocated to the Africa region, and presents findings on country-level impact, regional influence, leveraged funding, and collaboration with external partners. Main findings from the review show that ELP has successfully promoted ECD at the country level and at the World Bank through grants, workshops, and other support as needed (including additional funding from BMZ).