18 Dec 2020

CIFF welcomes General Partner directors

During 2020, CIFF completed a restructure of its endowment holding structure. A new wholly-owned subsidiary company of CIFF, CIFF General Partner Ltd (CIFF GP), has taken responsibility for oversight of the endowment assets as general partner of a limited partnership, CIFF Capital UK LP (CIFF Capital), in which CIFF is the sole limited partner. CIFF Capital’s purposes are to pursue CIFF’s Investment Policy, as established from time to time by CIFF’s Board of Trustees (https://ciff.org/about-us/endowment/).

The directors of CIFF GP are:

  1. Jackie Gilroy – non-executive; Jackie has been a non-executive director of CIFF’s previous endowment holding structure for over 10 years. Her background is in banking with experience of treasury, capital markets and property finance.
  2. William Gourlay – non-executive; Bill is the Group Chief Commercial Officer of Carne Group (a large international fund management solutions provider). He has 27 years financial services experience including Aon, Royal Bank of Canada, State Street and Deutsche Bank.
  3. Tristan van der Vijver – non-executive; Tristan is the Global Head of Compliance in Banking and Payments at Western Union and vice chair of the Supervisory Board of Western Union bank in Europe. He has 16 years’ experience in compliance and risk for Western Union, Commerzbank, Panmur Gordon and Lazards.
  4. Sonia Gogna – non-executive; Sonia is Fiduciary Solution and Outsourced CIO Client Portfolio Manager at Aon Investments. She has 18 years portfolio management experience at Aon, State Street and Willis Towers Watson.
  5. Jonathan Watts – CIFF CFO; Jon joined CIFF’s Executive Team in November 2018 as CFO and Executive Director and he is responsible for Finance, IT, Organisational Development and Impact Investments at CIFF. Previously, Jon worked for Unilever for 20 years in the UK, Europe and the Americas, and for SABMiller, where he was Director of Finance and Control for the group.  In 2014 Jon moved to the not-for-profit world as CFO at Save The Children International.
  6. Bradley Duncan – CIFF General Counsel; Brad joined CIFF’s Executive Team in January 2019 as General Counsel and Executive Director. Brad is responsible for all legal and compliance matters at CIFF. Brad started his career at King & Wood Mallesons in Sydney before moving to Linklaters in 2001. He then spent ten years at Citigroup before moving into the climate change sector in 2016 as General Counsel at The Carbon Trust.


CIFF is grateful to the independent directors and their employers for providing their time, support, expertise and experience to CIFF GP.