20 Nov 2014

Five facts from the Global Nutrition Report

The Global Nutrition Report was launched today at the Second International Conference on Nutrition in Rome. The report is an important milestone. It is the first in a series of annual reports to track progress towards improving nutrition globally.


Packed with information, data and recommendations, it is produced by an independent panel of experts.

Here are five facts from the report.


Globally, 161 million chronically undernourished children are not getting the right nutrients and health care at the right time. Under-nutrition is the underlying cause of 45% of child deaths.


Under-nutrition makes you physically weak but it also affects the brain. People achieve a lot less if they are undernourished in the first 2 years of their lives  – or 1000 days from conception.


Good nutrition is the bedrock on which healthy lives are built. There is overwhelming evidence that malnourished children grow up with bad health, poor education outcomes and that their children are more likely to be undernourished.


There are also big economic costs. Studies show that under-nutrition reduces economic activity.


There are inexpensive and effective solutions than can have impact at scale, yet nutrition programmes remain woefully underfunded.

Tackling under-nutrition is a priority for CIFF and we are proud to join other partners to support the Global Nutrition Report.

More on our nutrition work and strategy

Saving children’s lives with care and fortified peanut paste.