Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy
We take our responsibility to protect children extremely seriously.
At CIFF, we are committed to recognising, promoting and protecting the rights of all children. CIFF believes that the welfare of children is the highest priority and that is it the responsibility of everyone who works for and with CIFF to ensure that children are protected from abuse and exploitation. We recognise that safeguarding considerations permeate all aspects of CIFF’s work and we strive to prioritise safeguarding in all CIFF’s policies, practices and activities.
CIFF personnel and grantees are required to uphold and demonstrate best practice in child safeguarding and protection to ensure that children who come in contact with CIFF personnel and/or a CIFF-funded projects are protected from any form of abuse or exploitation. We have recently reviewed and strengthened our safeguarding policies in light of the recent issues raised elsewhere in the charitable sector and we are training to all our staff and consultants on safeguarding policies and practices.
CIFF’s safeguarding policy is available for download below:
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
We have also developed videos for our staff and grantees. Please see below a short version that provides the basics of Child Safeguarding. Local laws and regulations and particular circumstances within your organisations should be taken into account when dealing with Child Safeguarding.