We believe that big improvements in survival, health and well-being of children and their mothers are urgent, feasible and affordable. In recent years, there has been progress to reduce under-five mortality. Yet millions of children and mothers still die or are injured from preventable causes.
Our work aims to improve the outcomes of pregnancies. It focuses on providing high quality, prompt care to improve maternal and newborn survival. By measuring these outcomes, informed and swift decisions can happen before it is too late.

Paediatric AIDS
Globally, around 1.5 million women living with HIV become pregnant each year. Without antiretroviral drugs, up to 40% of their babies will also get HIV. Without treatment, half of these children will die before their second birthday.
Despite greater access to treatment, children living with HIV are one-quarter less likely to receive treatment compared to adults.
We have made significant investments to close the big gap in HIV treatment rates between adults and children.
Our aim is to end paediatric AIDS by preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV and treating all infected children.
Learn more about work on paediatric AIDS by exploring some of our grants.

Adolescent sexual health
An important neglected group are adolescent girls, who account for only 11% of births but more than 20% of maternal deaths and disabilities.
Pregnancy at an early age robs girls of life chances. It harms their health, education and future prospects.
Childbearing at a young age also affects the health and well-being of their children.
They are more likely to grow up stunted, where their bodies and brains do not develop properly. This vicious cycle holds back generation after generation.
Click here to learn more about our work on adolescent sexual health.
Current multi-year investments can be explored below.
To learn more about closed grants, use our grant portfolio tool.
ARISE-NTDs $50.0m
Geshiyaro $28.8m
India National Deworming Programme $22.8m
AcceleraTE: Trachoma Elimination $21.0m
Ethiopia National Deworming $18.5m
Operation Sight $15.0m
Deworming Innovation Fund $10.5m
Endgame: Accelerating Guinea Worm Eradication $5.0m
Female Genital Schistosomiasis Impact Accelerator $1.0m
Evidence to aid STH Transmission Break in India $1.0m
Effectiveness of the “A” in SAFE $0.5m
Strategic Communications Support for NTD Elimination $0.5m
The African Leaders Malaria Alliance (ALMA) NTDs Scorecard $0.4m
AU Continental Framework on the Control and Elimination of NTDs $0.4m
Reaching the Last Mile Fund $0.0m
Power of Nutrition $78.0m
Mobilising support for the prevention and treatment of severe acute malnutrition in Nigeria $49.1m
SURE – Sustainable Undernutrition Reduction in Ethiopia $32.2m
Equipping Millions of Farmers to Sustainably End Extreme Poverty and Food Insecurity $16.5m
One MMS a day and a Healthy Baby is on the Way $15.5m
Multiple Micronutrient Supplements (MMS) in Bangladesh $15.5m
Integrated Management of Wasting $14.3m
Promoting nutrition across the One Acre Fund platform $13.6m
End Child Wasting Collaborative $11.0m
RaJPusht $10.8m
School Feeding programme in Kenya $10.0m
Power of Nutrition Phase 2 $9.6m
Strengthening National Nutrition Services in Bangladesh $9.1m
Product Innovations for Nutrition $7.7m
Community Management of Acute Malnutrition $7.5m
ALMA Scorecards $6.3m
Healthy Mums, Healthy Babies: Multiple Micronutrient Supplements in Ethiopia $6.0m
Tackling stunting and severe acute malnutrition in Tanzania: The Next Generation Programme $5.7m
Community Led prevention of Severe Acute Malnutrition $5.3m
Review of alternative RUTF treatment guidelines $5.0m
Integration of a Peanut Roaster into MANA’s factory $5.0m
Developing alternative formulas of ready to use therapeutic foods $4.5m
Transforming Severe Acute Malnutrition Treatment in India $3.7m
Enhancing Nutrition and Antenatal Care $3.6m
AI in Growth Measurement $2.9m
Gut Power: Testing Innovations for acute malnutrition prevention $2.6m
Conditional cash transfer for behaviour change in Bangladesh $2.6m
Improving the Efficiency of SAM Treatment in Nigeria $1.4m
Seizing the Moment: enabled global and national policies and resources to drive progress on wasting $1.0m
MINE $1.0m
BEP for Pregnant Women $1.0m
Strengthening Systems for the Treatment of Acute Malnutrition $1.0m
Next Generation Evidence $1.0m
Lancet Vulnerable Newborn Series $1.0m
Rajasthan Innovative Financing $1.0m
Pay for Performance based nutrition programming in Bangladesh $0.9m
Risk Factors for Small-for-Gestational Age $0.8m
Calcium Biomarkers Study $0.7m
Strategic Engagement Ahead of the Food Systems Summit $0.5m
Thinking Ahead – Strengthening LBW Framework and Measurement $0.5m
Stronger Foundations for Nutrition $0.4m
Ukraine Impact Modelling $0.3m
Antenatal Care Consultation $0.3m
Partnership to bolster advocacy toward acute malnutrition treatment reform $0.3m
Time for Action: ‘No Regrets’ Interventions for Food Systems Transformation $0.2m
Calcium Supplementation for Pregnant Women $0.2m
Nutrition For Growth Call to Action $0.2m
Reducing Under 5 Mortality in Uganda $18.6m
NEST – newborn technologies $16.2m
Supercharging Sustainable Community Health $15.8m
Ethiopia Perinatal Support Scale Up $13.4m
Transforming Measurement for Every Newborn $8.4m
The Scaling of the Safe Childbirth Checklist $6.2m
Born Healthy $5.4m
The Digital Dividend: A smart contract for equitable healthcare outcomes $5.0m
Advanced Newborn Care in Ghana $4.9m
India Safe Care Saving Lives $4.6m
IV Iron – Radical rethink of treating Anaemia in Pregnancy $4.5m
Eliminating mother to child transmission of HIV in Zimbabwe $4.4m
Making the Case for Planetary Health in Sub-Saharan Africa $1.0m
Scaling Digital Innovations for Maternal and Newborn Health $1.0m
Supply chain management of Antenatal care commodities $0.9m
Catalyse adoption of learnings from perinatal investments $0.6m
Political Space and Urgency for Perinatal Survival $0.6m
Final Mile to elimination of mother-to-child transmission (EMTCT) $0.5m
Revitalizing Management of Common Newborn and Childhood Illnesses by Health Extension Workers $0.5m
Scoping and Development for Advanced Newborn Care in Ghana $0.1m
Transforming Community Health – eCHIS $8.9m
ALMA Scorecards & Knowledge Hub Renewal $8.6m
Facilitating Learning and Action Groups $8.4m
African Leaders Malaria Alliance Scorecard & Knowledge Hub $6.4m
Putting countries back on ‘The Path to the SDGs’ $1.0m
Establishing a foundation for Microsporidia $1.0m
Child Health and Wellbeing Data Dashboard $1.0m
Monitoring India’s Nutrition Mission $0.9m
Real world development of ECD metrics $0.8m
Community Health Toolkit $0.7m
Rwanda Power of Nutrition Evaluation $0.5m
Soil Transmitted Helminths diagnostics $0.3m
Automatic Malnutrition Diagnostics $0.2m
Smart Paper Technology for reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health services $0.1m