The right nutrition at the right time unlocks the potential of every child.
Nutrition is life’s vital ingredient.
Investing in children’s nutrition has the power to trigger big social and economic changes. Children with well-developed brains and bodies have better life chances: they live longer and healthier lives, they do better in school, and they grow into more productive adults.
Good nutrition is not just about how much food is available to consume, but rather about ensuring the right nutrients – whether from breastfeeding, a varied diet or supplements – go into the body, and also stay in.
We believe that tackling undernutrition is urgent, feasible and affordable. And we are seeing progress. In 2015, six million fewer children were chronically undernourished than the year before. The introduction of community management of acute malnutrition means millions of children are now being treated in their homes every year. Those are huge achievements.
But with 159 million children chronically undernourished and 50 million acutely undernourished, we can do much better. Ignoring undernutrition is wrecking children’s lives and at its extreme, nutrition can be a matter of life or death. Undernutrition is the underlying cause of 45% of child deaths. Every year, that’s around 2.7 million deaths of children under the age of five.
There are many proven interventions to break a seemingly intractable legacy. Keep reading below to learn more about how we are working with partners to address these issues.

Severe acute malnutrition
Severe acute malnutrition results in between 1 and 2 million preventable child deaths every year. And severely malnourished children are nine times more likely to die from common infections than their better-nourished peers. This greatly affects a child’s prospects of surviving and thriving in all areas of his or her life.
Thankfully, treatment for this most lethal form of malnutrition is both simple and effective. More than 70% of those treated for severe acute malnutrition are cured. But despite this fact, less than 20% of children affected are able to access the treatment they need.
It doesn’t have to be this way. If we work together, we can change things. We want to put the world on a pathway to a future where no child dies from acute malnutrition.
We are proud to be part of No Wasted Lives – a coalition to catalyse global action on severe acute malnutrition. Click here to learn more about No Wasted Lives and explore our investments in severe acute malnutrition using our Grant Portfolio tool.
Current multi-year investments can be explored below.
To learn more about closed grants, use our grant portfolio tool.
Power of Nutrition $78.0m
Mobilising support for the prevention and treatment of severe acute malnutrition in Nigeria $49.1m
SURE – Sustainable Undernutrition Reduction in Ethiopia $32.2m
Equipping Millions of Farmers to Sustainably End Extreme Poverty and Food Insecurity $16.5m
One MMS a day and a Healthy Baby is on the Way $15.5m
Multiple Micronutrient Supplements (MMS) in Bangladesh $15.5m
Integrated Management of Wasting $14.3m
Promoting nutrition across the One Acre Fund platform $13.6m
End Child Wasting Collaborative $11.0m
RaJPusht $10.8m
School Feeding programme in Kenya $10.0m
Power of Nutrition Phase 2 $9.6m
Strengthening National Nutrition Services in Bangladesh $9.1m
Product Innovations for Nutrition $7.7m
Community Management of Acute Malnutrition $7.5m
ALMA Scorecards $6.3m
Healthy Mums, Healthy Babies: Multiple Micronutrient Supplements in Ethiopia $6.0m
Tackling stunting and severe acute malnutrition in Tanzania: The Next Generation Programme $5.7m
Community Led prevention of Severe Acute Malnutrition $5.3m
Review of alternative RUTF treatment guidelines $5.0m
Integration of a Peanut Roaster into MANA’s factory $5.0m
Developing alternative formulas of ready to use therapeutic foods $4.5m
Transforming Severe Acute Malnutrition Treatment in India $3.7m
Enhancing Nutrition and Antenatal Care $3.6m
AI in Growth Measurement $2.9m
Gut Power: Testing Innovations for acute malnutrition prevention $2.6m
Conditional cash transfer for behaviour change in Bangladesh $2.6m
Improving the Efficiency of SAM Treatment in Nigeria $1.4m
Seizing the Moment: enabled global and national policies and resources to drive progress on wasting $1.0m
MINE $1.0m
BEP for Pregnant Women $1.0m
Strengthening Systems for the Treatment of Acute Malnutrition $1.0m
Next Generation Evidence $1.0m
Lancet Vulnerable Newborn Series $1.0m
Rajasthan Innovative Financing $1.0m
Pay for Performance based nutrition programming in Bangladesh $0.9m
Risk Factors for Small-for-Gestational Age $0.8m
Calcium Biomarkers Study $0.7m
Strategic Engagement Ahead of the Food Systems Summit $0.5m
Thinking Ahead – Strengthening LBW Framework and Measurement $0.5m
Stronger Foundations for Nutrition $0.4m
Ukraine Impact Modelling $0.3m
Antenatal Care Consultation $0.3m
Partnership to bolster advocacy toward acute malnutrition treatment reform $0.3m
Time for Action: ‘No Regrets’ Interventions for Food Systems Transformation $0.2m
Calcium Supplementation for Pregnant Women $0.2m
Nutrition For Growth Call to Action $0.2m