17 Jan 2017

Strategic Headlines 2017-2021

CIFF is reinventing itself to be bolder for children.

Download CIFF's Strategic Headlines

CIFF's Strategic Headlines (PDF)



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Our Vision

CIFF is reinventing itself. Not because we have changed our mission, but because we have decided to be bolder. Whatever the challenges, we are determined to help solve some of the biggest problems facing children. In the face of political changes around the world, clear-sighted leadership and robust coalitions are needed now more than ever to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals.

For the first time, we are articulating multi-year intent and resourcing, as well as a way of doing business that we think reflects our appetite for performance – click here for our Approach and Values.

“The original mission in setting up CIFF was to improve the lives of children in developing countries who live in poverty. This hasn’t changed. I want to solve problems, not make grants.” Chris Hohn

In 2017-2021, we will prioritise the following efforts:

  • Given the unprecedented wave of adolescents – now one in six people on the planet – CIFF is going to prioritise empowering girls and boys to control their sexual and reproductive health. This will be done through a combination of user-controlled commodities, services that are designed by and accountable to adolescents, and challenging the social and political norms regarding teen sexuality. Our vision is for an AIDS-free generation that can avoid unwanted pregnancies and unsafe abortion. Click here for more details.
  • We remain committed to leadership on nutrition and will focus our nutrition-specific investments on preventing low birthweight in babies and eliminating deaths from severe acute malnutrition, nested within a more integrated approach to early childhood development so that all children get the best start in life. Click here for more details.
  • We must keep global warming well below 2C, and continue to aim for 1.5C in the face of threats to the Paris Agreement. Consequently, coal must be eliminated from electricity generation as soon as possible. Renewable energy is already cost competitive with fossil fuels, so we will support countries in reforming their power markets to accelerate the clean energy revolution. Our work in cities and on HFCs, following the successful Kigali conference, will be refocused to harness the potential of energy efficiency in the built environment. We are also exploring an experimental programme on industrial carbon performance, and a global hub for restoration efforts to remove carbon at scale from the atmosphere. Clean air for children remains a key goal. Click here for more details.
  • For our newest area of focus, child protection, we will continue to build CIFF’s capability in this area with a focus on breaking impunity for child slavery and rape in India. Click here for more details.

At the same time we will continue to champion our existing work and grants in perinatal survival and paediatric AIDS – click here for more details.  We are no longer pursuing new funding opportunities in early education but we continue to support our existing grants – click here for more details.

Once our existing grant portfolio is included, we anticipate disbursements to be over $230 million in 2017 and approximately $200 million per year in subsequent years in order to keep within our 5% spending cap. For more details on CIFF’s endowment click here and CIFF’s finances click here.  

For details of individual investments, please explore our grant portfolio tool which shows all current and contracted grants, along with descriptions on their intended impact, and the latest data and results where available.