One sixth of the world’s population is an adolescent – that is 1.2 billion people aged between 10 and 19 years old.
Pregnancy at an early age robs girls of their life chances. It harms their health, education and future prospects. Childbearing at a young age also affects the health and well-being of their children. They are more likely to grow up stunted, where their bodies and brains do not develop properly. A vicious cycle holds back generation after generation.
While there is growing recognition that adolescents are often ignored and face significant risks, too many governments, communities and organisations are still reluctant to acknowledge adolescent sexuality. Too often, they deny their sexual rights or allocate little more than token resources. Furthermore, adolescents are the only age group where deaths from AIDS are increasing – two million adolescents live with HIV.
Few interventions will deliver a greater return on investments than empowering teenage girls and boys with the skills, knowledge and tools to control their sexual and reproductive health.
We aim to shape an AIDS free generation where every teenage girl has agency to avoid unwanted pregnancies and is able to access their sexual and reproductive rights.

Integrated sexual health services
We want to change the way adolescents are treated so that teenagers have a role in shaping the design and approach to sexual health services. Placing adolescents at the centre of joined-up services will improve delivery, accountability and allow new platforms to flourish.
This means radically changing demand and discourse, supporting bold behaviour change and social media innovations along with stronger integration across sectors.
Our investments push for greater integration of contraception and HIV services, so that adolescents can access joined-up platforms to prevent pregnancy and protect themselves against sexually-transmitted infections.

Young voices
We need to inject energy and anger to support agendas that are driven, sustained and owned by local organisations that are globally connected.
This means finding and investing in partners who are prepared to tackle the taboo of adolescent sexuality. CIFF supports local organisations and helps them develop long-term capacity for policy change.
While prioritising country-level advocacy, we will continue to support the global agenda. We will help raise the voices of adolescents and parents to demand the changes they deserve.
This can include supporting promoting safe sex through MTV Shuga or working with the award-winning Shujaaz to develop a safe online space for discussion about difficult issues like contraception and abortion.
Current multi-year investments can be explored below.
To learn more about closed grants, use our grant portfolio tool.
SRHR Step Up $75.0m
Accelerating Access to Children’s HIV/AIDS Treatment $50.0m
Transforming the Market for HIV Self Tests $38.4m
Delivering Innovation in Self Care (DISC) $33.6m
Precision Prevention: Breaking the Cycle of HIV Transmission $33.0m
India SRHR Choices $29.8m
Innovative self-injectable contraceptives $27.0m
Family planning commodity financing $25.8m
Securing the Future for Women’s Health Commodities $23.3m
Acceleration Fund: Scaling Commercial Distribution of User-Controlled Sexual Health Choices $21.0m
Adolescents 360 (A360) Amplify $18.3m
Adolescents 360 $16.9m
Catalysing On Demand Contraceptive Choices $15.1m
In Their Hands $14.9m
The Building Blocks of a Multi-Choice Market $11.9m
Fast Track Self Care Policy $11.0m
UNFPA Challenge fund $10.0m
Preserving High-Impact MSI Services $10.0m
Women’s Integrated Sexual Health Programme $9.0m
Faya – Sex education delivery $5.8m
Bringing a Dual Protection Pill to Market $4.7m
Youth led action for Comprehensive Sexuality Education $3.2m
Plan A: Just in Case $2.0m
Understanding the Economic Impacts of Child Marriage $1.5m
MTV Nishedh $1.2m
HCD Exchange $1.0m
Building resilience in SRHR decision-making $1.0m
A New Investment Case for Family Planning $1.0m
FP2030: A localised and gender transformative partnership $1.0m
Fast Track Policy Support for Self Care SRHR $1.0m
Global Learning Hub for Outcome Based Approaches $1.0m
Sexual and Reproductive Health Metrics $1.0m
Launching the HIV Prevention Coalition $0.8m
Integration of PrEP and Family Planning Pilot $0.8m
Adding It Up For Adolescents Phase 2 $0.8m
From Startup to Scale-up: Supporting an Accelerated Growth Journey for Triggerise $0.7m
Organisation Development Support to Triggerise $0.4m
D2C Channel Development $0.4m
Organisational Development Support to Marie Stopes Kenya $0.3m
Adolescent Atlas for Action $0.3m
Leveraging Youth Champions as Change Agents for Government Accountability $0.2m
openDemocracy $0.2m
Smart Contraceptive Vending Machines $0.2m
Evidence Review for Demographic Transition $0.2m
IPPF Medical Leadership and Capacity Sharing $0.1m